Research shows that healthy relationships are critical to success in life. Our relationships offer us support and help us to grow and develop. Positive relationships can make a tremendous difference in the lives of youth, particularly with those who struggle with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Depression, Anxiety and other behavioral health issues. 

There are a number of reasons that young people struggle to build healthy relationships. Children sometimes miss social cues due to ADHD or Autism Spectrum Disorders. Adolescents often struggle due to anxiety, depression, and social problems that cause them to isolate themselves. Without healthy relationships youth can feel a lack of support. This negatively impacts self-confidence and can leave young people feeling alone and isolated. Negative relationships can develop in the place of more positive ones. These relationships often serve to make problems worse.


Imagine a room full of kids who struggle to build healthy relationships learning and growing together! Also, imagine that room having two compassionate mental health professionals to support that work. Groups create safe spaces for kids to build skills that help them in their outside lives. There are playful moments, serious moments and lots of support.  Groupworks creates safe spaces that allow youth to learn self-control, social skills, and to build their confidence. As we often tell our group members, we want group to be a big shot of positive energy each week! We also want group to teach important skills to our members.

Group therapy is the most “social” form of behavioral health intervention. It builds upon our natural desire to relate to others and to be understood and valued by them. Having a positive experience in a therapy group can be truly life-changing!



Groupworks treats a number of behavioral health issues including depression, suicidal ideation and self-harm, anxiety and attention deficits. The Groupworks model of treatment is based upon experiential learning or “learning by doing”. Children and adolescents learn healthy relationship and coping skills by interacting with peers in the group. A group problem-solving approach is used to help group members navigate real-life situations that arise in their lives. Group members learn to solve problems more effectively and to build more supportive relationships in their daily lives. Activities make learning and growing engaging and fun! We often find that group members don’t like to miss group. They like the positive environment, the caring of others, and the engaging ways to learn new skills.

Group therapy focuses on helping members develop a strong sense of self-confidence, a feeling of self-control, and the ability to form healthy and supportive relationships. These three aspects of Social Competence are considered to be the foundation of a satisfying and rewarding life.

Kids and teens who possess good Social Competence are more likely to graduate high school on time, earn a college degree, and hold a full-time job. Social Competence involves cooperation, conflict resolution, listening to others’ points of view, giving suggestions and other skills.
— American Journal of Public Health

kids club program for elementary students

Dr. Tony Sheppard talks about ADHD in Groups.

In group, we’re able to slow down the action and help kids develop new skills. This helps them experience success that builds self-confidence!
— Tony L. Sheppard, Psy.D., CGP, ABPP, AGPA-F

The Kids Club group focuses on helping Elementary School boys and girls develop coping and social competence skills. Using our group slogan of “I’m an Awesome Kid and I can be a Success!”, we work together on self-control, self-esteem, and relationship skills. Group topics include anger control, managing worries, making bad days better, focusing and paying attention, and others. Kids Club offers a fun and engaging environment where kids can learn and grow together!

Currently, we have three Kids Club groups.

  • Kids Club Monday is led by Dr. Perkins & a graduate student.

  • Kids Club Tuesday is led by Dr. Steinkamp & a graduate student.

  • Kids Club Wednesday is led by Dr. Thieneman & a graduate student.

middle school discovery program for middle school students

Dr. Zack Thieneman talks about the important role of group therapy in identity development

Things can be different! Group members can have a different experience of problems in group that creates hope for change.
— Zachary J. Thieneman, Psy.D., CGP

The Middle School Discovery group focuses on helping Middle School boys and girls develop better skills for coping and social competence. Navigating the space between childhood and adolescence can be tricky. Group offers a safe place to improve self-esteem, learn about healthy relationships, and develop self-control. The Middle School group blends topical discussions with social problem-solving in the group. This allows group members to talk about topics facing them while they also develop social competence.

Currently, we have three Middle School Discovery groups.

  • Middle School Discovery Monday Group is led by Dr. Sheppard &  a graduate student.

  • Middle School Discovery Tuesday Group is led by Dr. Steinkamp &  a graduate student.

  • Middle School Discovery Wednesday is led by Dr. Thieneman & a graduate student.

Teen Community Program for High School Students

Dr. Sheppard talks about the Teen Community Groups

Teen Community group sessions should be part “hanging-out”, part therapy, and part “big shot of positive energy” each week!
— Tony L. Sheppard, Psy.D., CGP, ABPP, AGPA-F

This group helps high school students dealing with depression, anxiety, and relationship challenges. Group members develop coping skills, confidence, and social competence through their interactions with each other and the group leaders. This group requires that teens are ready to accept help and willing to bring things into the group for advice and support.

Currently, we have three Teen Community Groups.

  • Teen Community Monday Group is led by Dr. Sheppard & a graduate student.

  • Teen Community Tuesday Group is led by Dr. Sheppard & Dr. Haynes.

  • Teen Community Thursday Group is led by Dr. Thieneman & a graduate student.

Focusing on the here-and-now, helps children learn to talk about immediate thoughts and feelings, which in turn may help them in their adult relationships.
— Rosemarie Smead, Ph.D.