In-Person Services Frequently Asked Questions

What precautions is Groupworks taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with in-person services?

  • All clinical staff (including our Spalding University doctoral students) have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

How Will Hybrid Groups Work?

  • We have invested in technology that allows for a 360-degree view of the group room. This easily interfaces with Zoom and there is no additional software needed on your end. This device makes the interaction between those on Zoom and those in person much more integrated and seamless. We have tested this technology over the past few months with our meetings, which have been held in a similar hybrid fashion. We have a large-screen TV where the Zoom members appear so that they feel a part of the action!

Other FAQ’s

Is there additional paperwork needed for In-Person Services? Yes. We ask that you sign our in-person services agreement, which outlines in detail what to do in case of COVID-19 exposure, etc.

Do we have to do In-Person group? No. We want each family to make decisions regarding treatment that make the most sense for them.

Can we change our mind on In-Person Services? Yes. You are always free to let us know that your plans have changed. Our new technology gives us alot of flexibility.