More Info about Outside Contact for Teens


What is outside contact?

Group Therapy involves a small group of people working together. Group is a unique experience and many of our group members experience emotional connections to other group members. “Outside Contact” refers to people in group maintaining contact outside the group setting, whether in person or electronically.

frequently asked questions

Can I talk about group outside of group sessions?

In general, what happens in group, stays in group. Try to respect the privacy of other group members as you would want your own privacy protected. It’s OK to talk to people close to you like your parents about your experiences in group…just focus on your perspective.

What if I run into somebody from group at school or around town?

If this happens, it’s OK to say “hi”, wave or chat. It’s also OK not to say hello if you don’t feel like talking. We encourage members to bring this into the group after it happens. It’s a great way to figure out what to say or do if it happens again.

Can I introduce my family to a group member if we see each other around town?

Yes. Just be very careful about revealing too much about the person. Keep in mind what you would want shared about yourself if you were being introduced to the family member of someone in your group.

So, Can I be friends with someone in group?

Yes. While we do not and cannot prevent friendships, it is helpful to know when group members are spending time together outside of group because it can impact the group process. If you do spend time with someone from group outside the meetings, let the group know so there aren’t any secrets. Always remember to “Keep it Healthy”. People are in group to make their lives better and it’s always important to support each other in that goal.

What happens if I date someone in group?

Dating group members is strongly discouraged because it greatly influences group dynamics and impacts the whole group. This includes sexual contact with other group members. You’re here to work on yourself…not to find love!

Can I text and “friend” others in my group?

Sure, but Keep it Healthy. Many of our group members like to text or stay in contact on social media. Be careful about privacy and NEVER share someone else’s information. Respect the privacy of others in group and remember to keep what is discussed in group private.

Can I stay in touch with members once I leave the group?

When people leave the group, they often choose to maintain relationships and contact. As always, Keep it Healthy.

What if a group member contacts me in crisis?

It is not OK to use group members as a crisis line! If you are in crisis, tell a trusted adult or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (988) or the Suicide Text Line (741741). If a group member contacts you in crisis, ALWAYS tell someone or contact a crisis line or 911.